A scale of 1-5 (Subject to change upon my own whim and will).
1) being, complete waste. Why did I finish it?
2) being, minimally thought provoking/entertaining. Won’t read it again.
3) being, borderline useful, mild usefulness in instruction about the faults in it/mildly entertaining; Enough good to be challenged, grow a little in thought. Might read it again.
4) being, a really great book, useful to instruct, thought provoking/good entertainment, very challenging, growth as a reader, way more good than bad, would recommend. Worth reading again.
5) being, found enjoyable, challenging, useful in many ways, would highly recommend with no holding back, over all EXCELLENT book. Need to read again!
A 3 1/2 star is not as harsh as a 3, but not quite deserving of a 4 (a really great book), but a good book none the less.
And without further ado, the completed reading list of this Housewife (and momma!!):
- How to Read a Book, Mortimer J. Adler 4 Stars
- The Bondage of the Will, Dr. Martin Luther 5 Stars
- The Westing Game, Ellen Raskin 3 Stars
- Easy Chairs, Hard Words, Doug Wilson 5 Stars
- The Last Disciple, Hank Hanegraaff 4 Stars
- The Revolution: A Manifesto, Dr. Ron Paul 4 Stars
- Beautiful Babies, Kristen Michaelis 4 Stars
- The Last Sacrifice, Hank Hanegraaff 4 Stars
- The Harsh Truth About Public Schools, Bruce Shortt 4 Stars
- Heroes of the Holocaust: True Stories of Rescues by Teens, Allan Zullo 4 Stars
- The Reward of Childhood Truth 5 Stars
- IndoctriNation, Colin Gunn 5 Stars
- Dollar NonCents, Peter Allison 5 Stars
- Duncan's War, Douglas Bond 5 Stars
- Ina May's Guide to Childbirth, Ina May Gaskin 4 Stars
- Maternal Fitness, Julie Tupler 3 Stars
- Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way, Susan McCutcheon-Rosegg 4 Stars
- Birth in Four Cultures, Brigitte Jordan 3 1/2 Stars
- Changing Diapers, Kelly Wels 4 Stars
- Gentle Birth Choices, Barbara Harper 3 1/2 Stars
- Essential Truths of the Christian Faith, R. C. Sproul Sr. 4 Stars
- Christ-Centered Childbirth, Kelly Townsend 4 Stars
- Husband Coached Childbirth, Dr. Robert Bradley 4 Stars
- The Power of Prayer Handbook, Peter Hammond 5 Stars
- The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert, Rosaria Champagne Butterfield 5 Stars
- Blood Money: The Civil War & The Federal Reserve, John Remington Graham 4 Stars
- Breastfeeding & Fertility, Jenny Silliman 4 Stars
- Loving the Little Years: Motherhood in Trenches, Rachel Jankovic 3 1/2 Stars
- Apostate, Kevin Swanson 5 Stars
- Breastfeeding: A Parents Guide, Amy Spanger 5 Stars
- On Becoming BabyWise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nigh Time Sleep, Gary Ezzo 3 1/2 - 4 Stars
- The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, Le Leche League International 3 1/2 Stars
You can go through the archives of my blog to read the reviews, or click here to view my GoodReads profile.
Currently I am reading The Cure of Souls, R.J. Rushdoony, The Other Baby Book, Megan McGrory Massaro as well slowly going through the Westminster Confession Study Guide by G.I. Williamson. That is more of a long term reading, since I am using it in more of a "devotional" way, reading small bits. Before II Samuel was born I read it with my bible reading. Now I just read it occasionally while nursing my precious baby boy, even reading aloud to him so he benefits from the rich systematic teaching of my beloved bible! I'm also reading through The Institutes of Biblical Law by Rushdoony as the book to go with a ladies bible study I recently joined (and after one week, already loving both the time to discuss & learn with other ladies, but to be extremely challenged by such a book as this!).
Also, what could be more fitting than drinking a cup of tea as I plink away at updating this post? This is a delicious and exotically interesting tea blend called, "Sweet Cinnamon Spice" of the Tazo brand. Yum! A dear friend gave me a lot of teas when she came and visited II Samuel and I. She knows I love tea! Very rarely do I find a tea that doesn't need anything added to it. Maybe I should do tea reviews too? Haha, just kidding. (:
Here is my original book list:
Nullification, Tom Woods - 266 (8 1/2 pages a day)
Last Days Madness, Gary Demar - 442 (15 pages a day)
The Excellent Wife, Martha Peace - 249 (8 1/2 pages a day)
The Creature from Jekyll Island, G. Edward Griffin - 588 (19 pages a day)
The Death of Death in the Death of Christ, John Owen - 309 (10 pages a day)
I find it interesting that I finished exactly half of what I intended to read. I still want to read these titles, and perhaps I will finish them in 2014. As for kicking off my reading goal, I did stay the course of reading X amount of pages each day for the first few months. Then I found out I was pregnant. Then I started reading multiple books, sigh. That nasty habit weasled its way back into my reading regime. But even so, I accomplished far more reading than I set out to do, and wanting to learn as much about labor/pregnancy/birth/postpartum really motivated me! For that I count it as a blessing, even if I did not stick to my original plan rigidly. But part of finishing so many books was being flexible, and part of having a rigid regime enabled me to begin at all. Both styles of reading were beneficial to me this year.
There is no way I can pick one favorite. I enjoyed them all, though I did like some better than others. I am hard-pressed to choose a "favorite" and instead point to my ratings as a guess as to which ones I liked better than others. (;
I thank the Lord for giving me the perseverance to accomplish my 12 book reading goal, and go even further beyond what I thought I could finish. I have grown mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually as a result of reading this vast array of book titles! They all impacted me in very different ways, yet I'm grateful to have read them all.
Wow! Very impressive! A few years back I set out a goal to read a book a week. I think I ended up reading about 20 books that year before that goal fell by the wayside. You have greatly encouraged me to make reading a priority again. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThanks Andrew! This was the first time I tried to set a goal, I wanted to set it higher, but knew I had to be realistic if I were going to have a chance at succeeding. (; Failure would have been so discouraging for me. You're welcome, and happy reading! Feel free to leave any book recommendations, I'm always eager to read more and expand my horizons.