Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Baby (Has Been) HERE!

Well, lookie here,

Birthday was November 14th, 2013 at 10:47am. (:  His name is Samuel Rutherford Allison II.  Weighing in at 8 lbs. 14 oz.  Length 21 1/2''.  Apgar score was 9/10!

There is so much to say, so much to write, and less time to say it all.  As I type these words my precious bundle of joy is laying on my chest sleeping contentedly.  I don't always like to lay him down in his co-sleeper crib because I love holding him so much! And since I am simply tapping away at a keyboard, I can hold him easily (as opposed to dishes, or say eating, lol!) thanks to my boppy billow from a friend!  He is so precious.  I can still hardly believe he is here in my arms after so many months of preparing, waiting, and praying for him. (:

For the record, I am working on writing out his Birth Story and will share it on this blog, as well as a 2013 Complete Book List Post.  Both of which I hope to post before December is over.  They are both a work in progress. 

About this baby, and life with him.  It is humbling.  Extremely humbling.  From day one of his life it has taught me this deep reliance on my sovereign Lord, realizing ever more how I am not the one in control, but that I depend upon the Lord and His graciousness toward me.  It has made me acknowledge in so many moments that He is the one who holds us in His hands.  For example needing this baby to poop and pass all that meconium.  Yes, cue the parent blog posts talking about poop! I am that  mom now.  It really was crazy how badly we were waiting for him to poop, wondering if his diapers were wet enough, and wondering if he was getting enough to eat!  He lost 4 oz. by the second day.  Then Day 3 he had an explosion! Like, his diaper could not contain it and it went ALL over and up his back, right when Grandma Sue arrived for her first visit, LOL!  My sweet and selfless husband cleaned the baby up and managed to save the Onsie my bestie Hannah gave to him.  And I'm talking the black, tarry, sticky, so hard to clean up poop.  You know if you're a mom, and you'll know when you have a baby. O_o Since then he has produced a massive amount of soiled diapers, praise the Lord!  And when he wasn't, I was silently praying to the Lord in each moment, not wanting to worry, but to cast all my cares and anxieties on the Lord.  And at his two week visit he gained TWO WHOLE POUNDS!  And grew to 22 3/4''.  Apparently, according to my midwife, they typically hope for babies to gain half a pound in the first two weeks.  (: He's eating like an Allison already!

It is surreal to me that I could love a little person so much.  It has also been amazing how Samuel and I's relationship has grown deeper and sweeter.  I love him even more, and it continually surprises me how I could possibly love him more than before!  He has been so selfless, so sacrificial, so gracious, so loving, so very patient and dear to me.  His tenderness has touched me deeply, both toward me and II Samuel.  I honestly do not know what I would have done without him home the first week and half.  He's been amazing. (:  Still is!  I look at my Samuels and my heart is so full of love for both of them.  One of the best parts about mothering, so far, for me has been nursing my little one and seeing him grow on the nourishment my body is providing for him.  It is indescribable.  I look down at his sweet face and he looks so secure and at peace.  His little baby breathing and eyes are so mesmerizing.  It wasn't easy at first, but nor was it horrible.  Just minor discomfort compared to some of the stories I've heard. How fearfully and wonderfully we are made, how perfect the Lord crafted mother's bodies to meet the needs of their child, I praise Him for His works are great!

It's constantly a learning process for us all.  It's been interesting to implement some of the things I read about before.  You could say I'm somewhere in the middle between Attachment Parenting and Babywise parenting.  We coslept the first two weeks, then moved him to the "Arms Reach Co-sleeper" that attaches to the side of your bed.  We do a mixture of "demand" feeding and trying to establish a routine.  In many other instances it's been a both/and.  I don't like the concept of "baby-led" very much, because those who advocate for it seem to think the infant knows all and knows it's own needs and the parents ought to respond accordingly.  On the contrary, God has given us the responsibility to care for this little one, we are accountable to Him for the way we raise this baby, so we are the ones directing this child in life according to the word of God.  Even now.  We were given this gift, we are entrusted with his care, so we lovingly lead this little one, nurturing him, and depending upon God for our every need (and teaching II Samuel the same!).  So far I am learning to recognize some of his patterns, his little baby noises, and how to calm him down.  It can be tearful sometimes, but I have a wonderful husband who is so encouraging.  So I watch for when he is communicating and learning what his "cues" are, while lovingly (learning how to) guide him.

He's nearly 4 weeks old and I am ready to get on with this new normal.  But it has been such a sweet time of rest and recovery.  We have been abundantly blessed by so many friends and family during these first few weeks.  And as I ease back into my regular life, I m thankful for the time I spent before of freezing so many meals and prepping things to make the transition easier.  But oh wow, I was not prepared for how much more laundry a baby could produce! I'm glad I took the time to make our laundry detergent before he was born.

(Looks like a little pitcher already!)

This new season is a blessed one.  In the midst of this journey called life, I pray that the Lord would continue to keep me humble, pliable, and ready to learn, grow, and change as He moves me from place to place and from season to season.  It is quite a paradox, for things to seem to be changing as life goes on, and yet there is such peace, security, and stability in trusting in God's plans... especially as He has given me a steadfast husband who gives me earthly security.  I am so grateful for the good gifts my heavenly Father bestows on me, especially my husband, the greatest gift I have received in this life, and second being my son.  What a joy it is to rest in the knowledge and love of my Redeemer.  May this life of mine be for His glory and nothing less.

1 comment:

  1. Having God and the Bible at the center of your family is the "recipe" for being a great wife/mother and for raising children who love and serve the Lord. Keep your eyes on Christ and you will not fall.
    What a blessing to have a daughter like you!
    Much Love,


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When commenting, I would appreciate two of the following: first, that with humility of mind you might consider others better than yourself. Second, that you would not use inappropriate language on my blog.

Phil 1:21, Eph 5:3-4.

Thanks! (: