Friday, February 21, 2014

In Review: The Fearful Master

Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, Against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying, “Let us break Their bonds in pieces And cast away Their cords from us.” He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The Lord shall hold them in derision.
Psalm 2:1-4

This book reminds me of the passage from Psalm 2.  It is not new thing for wicked men to plot evil things.  In The Fearful Master G. Edward Griffin does a masterful job at documenting and detailing how wicked men have plotted together in the forming of the United Nations.  This is by no means a "new" book, but written before I was even born.  However, it does its purpose to show the corruptness of those men in power, yes even in the United States government, and their marxist/socialist agenda. 

On the one hand, this book was extremely difficult to read.  It outlines the atrocities committed by the U.N., the horrors, and the blatant evil men who conducted themselves in a shrewd and unscrupulous manner to do what they pleased.  As I read it, these evils weighed heavily on my mind, the despair lingering with that awful knot in my stomach.  This is our history?  This is the "great" United States that just rolled over and did the bidding of the U.N. without question?  We are/have been funding such horrendous evils?  Truly, there was no spine or morals in the people of the U.S. then, or now.

On the other hand, this was easy to read.  Easy in the sense that Griffin is a very talented writer, for this book was no mere textbook of facts, it is a riveting telling of the truth, history coming alive, almost as if it were a work of fiction.  Only this is no mere fiction, this is the world we live in.  You cannot help but marvel at the way he draws you in.  He even includes many pictures of the men and events he documents, as if his words are not vivid enough.

Though this book is older (1964), it explains the foundations, founders, and early actions of the U.N. It is extremely useful to have your eyes opened to the truth of these matters. 

We have hope, however, for the Psalmist finishes by saying:

Serve the LORD with fear, And rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, And you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.
Indeed, how blessed are those who put their trust in King Jesus!  He is victorious and reigning in Heaven.

This book receives 4 Stars from me.  I would recommend this to any who wish to learn the history of the U.N.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Catechisms & Diapers

Well, I didn't manage to squeeze in two posts last month.  I will try and do better in February!  This month I am attempting to read Always Ready by Greg Bahnsen. We shall see if I will succeed.

So II Samuel is exclusively in cloth diapers now.  Whew!  It is very gratifying to do CD's.  Once I ran out of disposables & wipes I just ran with it.  I never even thought to do cloth wipes except that a friend gave me some at the baby shower. Now I am so glad I am.  It makes it easier to just throw it all in the same pail. It just makes sense. It's a little trickier when going out, however.  Click Here to find some great idea to make a homemade "wipes solution".  I like the simple water, EVOO, and castile soap.  I typically do a load of CD every other night, dry them in the morning, then stuff them after they are dry.  I used to just throw all the covers in one drawer and the inserts/liners in another.  It is so much easier to stuff them and have them rolled up to just grab and go.  Plus, it's simpler for Samuel when he does the occasional diaper change.

That being said, the other day I was practicing the Westminster Shorter Catechism as I stuffed the diapers.  II Samuel was sitting propped up on the bed next to me.  As I asked and answered each question I would look over at him and say it to him and he would grin that precious toothless smile and coo back. Oh it was such a delightful time!  It was a lot of fun to interact with him through the catechism while getting my diaper station stocked.  The original reason I was interested in cloth diapers was for the economical reasons, not throwing away money, literally.  But the more I read and researched, the wider my reasons became.  We are to take dominion, to be good stewards of the earth, and not filling up landfills with my child's diapers is one way to go easier on the environment.  It also can be gentler on the baby's bum.  Plus, who knows what they actually put IN those diapers, not to mention all that bleach.  We did receive regular diapers at the shower, and I was very grateful for them and the thoughtfulness of those who gave, so we used those up.  But now it is such great satisfaction to do all cloth.  Because I am blessed to be a "stay at home mom" and be the keeper of our home, I try and be wise and thoughtful in how to keep it.  Samuel is so faithful and diligent to work so hard each week day, he can put in some long hours many days in a row.  But it still is "one income", so I love finding ways to save us money where I can.

I am so grateful for the lovingkindness the Lord has poured out on my life.  I love days that include catechisms & diapering.  I love the thought that one day I will help II Samuel memorize the catechism, but in the mean time he still hears it when I am memorizing it.  It is such a joy to live this life he has given me.  There were times in my life that were so dark that I couldn't imagine the days I have now.  It seemed as if the burden was too great to bear.  But now there is light & life in each day as I glorify the Lord in this season of life.  My heart is so full of love for my Saviour, my husband, and my son! I am undeserving of the good gift my heavenly Father has bestowed on me.  Praise Him for He is good!